What Giving Means to Us
Our Foundation is committed to excellence, providing grants to proven, effective charity organizations who focus on our mission areas. We thoroughly investigate each charity organization we support. The Jack Kagan Foundation provides rigorous stewardship of all grants, donations, and gifts. 100% of donation funds received are directly disbursed to our chosen recipients outlined in this website. Please take your time and review the information provided here regarding our Foundation. There is information about the founder, Jack Kagan; the Trustees and Board members; and charities we currently support as well as previous grantees. Please address any questions you may have to info@jkaganfoundation.org. Thank you for visiting, and for considering a donation to support our efforts.
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Supporting Veterans, Children, Community & Medicine
"Your support will transform the lives of children, adults, and wounded veterans through our expertly trained service dogs, and we are profoundly grateful." -Canine Companions for Independence

Our Mission Areas
The Jack Kagan Foundation was established to continue and expand the philanthropic work that Mr. Jack Kagan conducted during his lifetime, focused on helping others in need that were not as fortunate as he was.
Grant recipients are chosen from among other non-profit organizations established the United States or its possessions, and operating exclusively for charitable purposes to provide assistance to:
(i) Veterans: especially those who are physically or mentally disabled, with a focus on enabling such persons to engage in activities including sailing, diving, therapeutic programs;
(ii) Children: focused on those who are orphaned, fostered, abused or underprivileged;
(iii) Medicine: organizations engaged in medical care and/or medical research, and;
(iv) Community: additional charitable purposes as determined by the Foundation’s Board, primarily focused on impactful community endeavors.
The Foundation’s activities are principally funded by returns on investment from its initial assets, as set up in accordance with the Jack Kagan Trust. Because the Foundation expects to operate in perpetuity, it requires a growing asset base and a growing annual return.
About Our Charities
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